Advanced Certificate in Fund Administration

Develop your knowledge of fund operations, across both accounting and administration and creates a training and education path for fund administrators where there have traditionally been limited training opportunities to evidence knowledge and support career development.

Course details

Where there have traditionally been limited training opportunities to evidence knowledge and support career development, this qualification will allow you to:

  • Show a detailed understanding of the functions of key parties in a fund and how they meet the needs of stakeholders.
  • Understand the lifecycle of different fund structures, including the processes involved in their closure, winding down and/or liquidation.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the topical issues surrounding alternative investment funds, fund of funds and debt funds.
  • Present a detailed knowledge of fund regulation and be able to interpret and apply Principal Documents, Scheme Particulars and investment restrictions.
  • Understand the fundamentals of fund accounting and how to account for specific fund transactions.
  • Carry out a range of advanced calculations in relation to a fund, including NAV, GAV, performance fees, and entry and exit charges.
  • Calculate earnings per share and the total expense ratio, and use ratios to analyse a set of financial statements.
  • Determine the impact of taxation on different fund structures and be able to carry out relevant tax calculations.

Course fees: £1,350

Course dates, fees and enrol now:


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What will I learn?

  • Functions of key parties in a fund and how they meet the needs of stakeholders
  • Lifecycle of different fund structures, including the processes involved in their closure, winding down and/or liquidation
  • Topical issues surrounding alternative investment funds, fund of funds and debt funds
  • Fund regulation and how to interpret and apply Principal Documents, Scheme Particulars and investment restrictions
  • Fund accounting and how to account for specific fund transactions
  • Advanced calculations in relation to a fund, including NAV, GAV, performance fees, and entry and exit charges
  • Calculations of earnings per share and the total expense ratio, and how to use ratios to analyse a set of financial statements
  • The impact of taxation on different fund structures and how to carry out relevant tax calculations

Is this course right for me?

This programme is suitable for those who work in fund administration, accounting or another supporting role.

Students of this course typically include:

  • Fund administrators
  • Accounting or finance graduates
  • Accountants
  • Auditors
  • Company secretaries
  • Compliance professionals
  • Lawyers/Solicitors
  • Investment managers
  • Support staff for custodians, banks or trusts

Course format

The programme is delivered online and will take six months to complete. We recommend that you spend four to six hours per week on private study for the six months prior to the examination.

Enrolment onto this course will include the following:

  • access to an online learning platform that contains:
    o    e-learning modules
    o    self-assessment material
    o    distance learning support
  • 2 virtual classrooms
  • 1 virtual revision session
  • examination fees.

The course is assessed by way of a three-hour 45-minute remote and open-book written examination which comprises 20 compulsory multiple-choice questions (each worth 1 mark), a 40 mark compulsory accounting and valuation question, and two 20 mark essay questions chosen from a selection of three questions.

Any questions?